Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week 10: Assessment Submission

100 Word Statement:

Lighting to Expand Space and Connection to the Natural World Beyond Walls

Small rooms and spaces can be deceivingly big or spacious if it is designed to be exposed to the outside through multiple windows and openings. I was inspired by Japanese architecture and their use of natural lighting and scenery of the nature outside expand the room beyond its walls, making it a useful technique in modern architectural designing, as we need to consider the limited spacing we have in our modern word. Having the connection to nature through open windows promotes a healthy brain and mental state that is suitable for working long periods of time leading me to utilising this technique in my design by resizing the living area and kitchen to be smaller and adding more windows to my current living space to create the illusion of space with a limited physical space.

5 Best Handmade Models:

Model 1

Applying folding techniques: Masu Box Space
Scale: 1:100

Model 2

Applying folding techniques: Score, fold and cuts
Scale: 1:30

Model 3

Adding to our existing living space
Scale: 1:50

Model 4:

Working to a new Scale
Scale: 1:20

Model 5:

Iterated Final Design
Scale: 1:50

Pre-recorded Powerpoint

Monday, April 20, 2020

Week 9

100 Word Statement

Small rooms and spaces can be deceivingly big or spacious if it is designed to be exposed to the outside through multiple windows and openings. I was inspired by Japanese architecture and their use of natural lighting and scenery of the nature outside expand the room beyond its walls, making it a useful technique in modern architectural designing, as we need to consider the limited spacing we have in our modern word, it is also my personal preference to live in open, fresh environments leading me to utilising this technique in my design by resizing the living area and kitchen to be smaller and adding more windows to my current living space to create the illusion of space with a limited physical space.

Week 8

Studio Activity: 

Photoshopping Materials onto Models



Chosen materials: 
  • Black stone for the pillars
  • Grey brick for exterior walls
  • Oak timber flooring
  •  White plastered interior walls and ceiling


Chosen materials: 

  • Black brick for exterior walls
  • Grey fluffy carpet for interior flooring
  • Cherry wood timber decking for exterior flooring



Chosen materials:

  • Timber mesh for the front opening
  • Timber cladding for exterior walls
  • Timber decking for supports

Fusion 360: Adding Materials 

For this week, our Fusion activity was to add material to the surfaces of our initials Fusion model that we made in week 7. We were to choose 3 materials that reflected our personality and aesthetics so I chose to go with:

  • Clear glass for the top surface 
  • Cherry wood for the exterior faces
  • Pine wood for the hollowed space inside

My model gave me the idea that it can be a potential abstract table and these materials made that idea come to life. I also like the look of robust wood as it gives off a homely feel and with the transparency of the glass on top, you are able to see through to the inside of the surface which I think is really cool. 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Week 7

Week 7

Making Models

Change of Scale: 

As suggested by the brief for this week, I tried to make my model to a different scale other than 1:50, so I tried making a 1:20 model of the same room on paper. The photo above shows the assembly of the model which I could not fold the model from a single sheet of paper as the scale was too big so I resorted to making seperate walls with tabs instead.

Thoughts on the new scale: 
I honestly did not like the 1:20 scale as it was too big for my comfort to work with because there was so much space it was hard to fill with folding technics. It was a nice experiment to see my living room at a new scale but my brain couldn't work creatively with so much space to fill, so for the next couple models, I will be working to my comfort zone scale of 1:50.  I might come back to using 1:20 if it is to focus on one room instead of the whole big living area.

Lighting Activity
11/04/2020 - The 3 images below show my attempt of trying to capture the new model with natural lighting, however I did not set up the area of photography properly as guided by the 'How to take Photos of  your Models at home', so I will need to retake them and upload it as an edit to this blog. I also forgot about the scale humans that need to be photographed within the model to show scale so I will be adding that to the edited upload of this blog as well.

20/04/2020 - Lighting Activity UPDATED
This time I took better photos of the 1:20 model WITH the human for scale this time, the human is my height of 150cm which is 7.5cm scaled.

Further Modelling at 1:50

 After making the 1:20 model and not being satisfied with it, I made an iterated version of it with an added geometric roof instead of the arched cut rood, as well as adding more windows to allow for more natural lighting and ventilation at a scale of 1:50.
This iterated design connects the inside to the outside word through the clear windows.

The first two images are of the 1:50 model freshly made, with the exposed cereal box labels.

The third image shown here in all white is the same model spray painted white to try and conceal the cereal box interior.

Below are photos of the roof I folded through experimenting the different folding technics and going through my origami book for inspiration.

Fusion 360: 3D Shapes

Pictured above is the shape of my 3D shape before being hollowed out. I personally did not find any troubles in using Fusion 360 to model this and found it quite easy as I have used this program before during high school, and Russel's tutorial video was easy to follow for this activity

My initials were very simple which made this modelling activity not as hard to model or as tedious to put together in comparison to Week 5's model.

Fusion Model UPDATED:

After looking back on my 3D initials model on Fusion, I felt like I could improve the model a bit better and add more interest to it by making the two Ts different, adding a curve to one end and making the sides uneven to curate an interesting space after it has been lofted and hollowed out. Updates results shown below:

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Week 5

Week 5

Folding Exercises:

Model Making: Applying Folding Techniques

Model 1: Masu Boxes + Strips of cute paper
Scale used: 1:100

Model 2: Scoring, gathering and cutting
Scale used: 1:30

Modelling Making: Space at Home

Measurements and plan view of the room I work in which is predominantly in the living room which is conjoined with the kitchen.

First Model: Paper
Scale: 1:50

Second Model: Cardboard
Scale: 1:50

Third Model in Making: Cardboard
Scale: 1:50

This time, I make a better version of the cardboard model with four walls this time. This will be the model I use as a base to my paper extensions.

Completed Model:

Fusion 360: Transition Place

Attempt 1: Failed

This exercise was quite tedious to do as I have to make sure everything interlocks with each other properly. Other than trying to make everything fit, the actual model making and working with Fusion 360 wasn't that hard as Russel's tutorials were easy to follow and I have had previous experience using this software  in high school. 

Making the Fusion Threshold  Model 

Because we did not have access to the laser cutting facilities at the university due to Covid 19, I printed out the print file and stuck them onto box board and cut them with a box cutter knife. This process was very tedious and annoying due to the little interlocks and the model didn’t end up working for me. Pictured below.

Problem encountered: Making the physical model did not work out as I assume some pieces on Fusion weren't made carefully enough.

Solution: Making a new Fusion model similar to this one but made with better care and precision.

Attempt 2: The Solution

Week 10: Assessment Submission

100 Word Statement: Lighting to Expand Space and Connection to the Natural World Beyond Walls Small rooms and spaces can be deceivi...