Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 1

Drawing Activity

Blind drawing and negative space shading.

Blind drawing of two people and a chair.

Blind drawing with non-dominant hand (in my case, my left hand)

Negative space shading and sphere shading exercise.

Documenting the Site

Questions and Answers:

What buildings or structures are on the site?
There are 4 main buildings on our team block which include the White House, student dormitory, the Fig Tree theatre and this other building which I'm not quite sure what it is but it looks like a storage/shed kind if building.
Surrounding these buildings are tall fig trees that provide shade to the walkways that lead to and from the buildings and the places around it that extend beyond our block.

How big are they?

The fig trees are the tallest element in this block of land, followed by the 2/3 storey dorms which is bigger than the White House and Fig tree Theatre as they are the same size.

Where do we get into the buildings?
White House:
There are automatic doors that lead into the ground floor interior of the White House, as well as outdoor access into the outdoor seating area. Next to the automatic doors are stairs that lead up to the pubs second storey, through a normal door. There is also a balcony on the second floor.

Fig Tree Theatre:
There is only one entry door into the theatre, which is through the door at the front.

There are multiple entry ways into the dorms, but to get access to enter the building, you need a student key card only available if you are living in the dorms.

Trees, shrubs, waterways, rocks. Material Elements found on site
The main trees in this area are Fig trees with bushes and shrubs surrounding. There are concrete slabs that barricade the green space from the walkway.
The White House is made of wood, painted in white, which makes it stand out from the newer buildings surrounding it such as the Fig Tree theatre and the dorm which is made from brick, steel and concrete which are more modern materials used in construction.

What are the manmade elements composed of? e.g. Brick, Steel, Glass, Sandstone etc.
How do people use the site?
In the general walkway space, people pace to and from different places such as from the dorms to the White House or White House to Fig Tree lane, making the walkway generally a busy environment.
The White House atmosphere contrasts with the busy walkway as the environment is more chill because students and others alike are sitting down, drinking/eating and catching up with friends, making The White House a place to gather and socialise. While on the site, we couldn't really see the activity inside Fig Tree theatre, the dorms or storage building, except for people walking pass/walking by them.

What are the different intended or unintended functions of the site? (for example, do people use the space to rehearse dance routines, or smoke cigarettes, or simply sit on the grass)
There are steps connected to the concrete block (that barricade the green area from the walkway) that people use to sit, stand, and climb onto.

Where is North, South, East and West?
North is when you have your back to the White House, facing the shed/storage building opposite the Fig Tree Theatre.

Original angle of sketch

Blind sketch

At Home Activity

Photoshopped Image (Wollemi Pine)

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